APA is the official citation style created by the American Psychology Association.
You will use APA when writing papers for psychology, some science classes, social science classes, and education.
APA Citation Guide (7th Edition) at Brenau University
APA Elements of Style (video)
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
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When print is accessed:
Exact Company Name. (year of report). Title of report. City, State abbreviation: Author.
In this case, the company would be both author and publisher, so the publishing company’s name is replaced with the word Author.
The Coca-Cola Company. (2009). United States Securities and Exchange Commission form 10-K. Atlanta, GA: Author.
When accessed on the WWW from the company’s website:
The Coca-Cola Company. (2009). Unites States Securities and Exchange Commission form 10-K. http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/investors/pdfs/form_10K_2009.pdf
When accessed on the WWW from someone else’s website:
The Coca-Cola Company. (2009). Unites States Securities and Exchange Commission form 10-K. Securities and Exchange Commission. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/21344/000104746910001476/a2195739z10-k.htm
In the text, use the first two elements of the reference entry - The company's name and the date of the annual report.
According to The Coca Cola Company (2009), ...
...(The Coca Cola Company, 2009).
IBISWorld reports usually name the person who wrote the report. Use that person's name as the author, then add the year and month it was written. Enter the report title in italics, then the report number in parentheses. End with the URL of the report.
Diment, D. (2021, August). Candy production in the US (US Industry Report 31134). https://my.ibisworld.com/us/en/industry/31134/about
If the report doesn't name an author, follow this example.
IBISWorld. (2021, August). International trips by US residents (US Business Environment Profiles Report F316). https://my.ibisworld.com/us/en/business-environment-profiles/f316/business-environment-profile