"The IHRC promotes interdisciplinary research on international migration, develops archives documenting immigrant and refugee life, especially in the U.S., and makes specialized scholarship accessible to students, teachers, and the public."
"This video examines the various reactions to newcomers around the turn of the century and during the world wars. It also urges the viewer to compare present-day responses to those of earlier times." -- Produced by Ohio State University.
Links to facts, primary sources, scholarly analysis, photos, and research collections dealing with race and ethnicity in America. Maintained by sociology professors at Trinity University.
"More than 16,500 pages of texts, 8,300 illustrations, and more than 60 maps. The Web site is organized around thirteen defining migrations that have formed and transformed African America and the nation. "
A large collection of digital primary sources from the University of Houston. Sections include Asia Discovers America, Asians and the Making of America, World War II and Asian Americans, and The Newest Immigrants.
"Extensive guide to web resources for Latino studies and interests. Categorized into major gateways (Latino and Latin America), and links to web sites on culture, politics, and economics."
"The Consortium for Latino Immigration Studies at USC promotes and coordinates multi-disciplinary research related to Latinos in South Carolina and the Southeast." The Links to Resources, and Reports & Publications sections are particularly useful.
"This Project is a cooperative effort among the University of Oklahoma Law Center and the National Indian Law Library(NILL), and Native American tribes providing access to the Constitutions, Tribal Codes, and other legal documents."
"Contains over 2,000 documents and images relating to the Native American population of the Southeastern United States. ... The documents are comprised of letters, legal proceedings, military orders, financial papers, and archaeological images."