How to properly cite corporate annual reports, from the section on Technical and Research Reports, APA p. 205-206:
When print is accessed:
Exact Company Name. (year of report). Title of report. City, State abbreviation: Author.
In this case, the company would be both author and publisher, so the publishing company’s name is replaced with the word Author.
The Coca-Cola Company. (2009). Unites States Securities and Exchange Commission form 10-K. Atlanta, GA: Author.
When accessed on the WWW from the company’s website:
The Coca-Cola Company. (2009). Unites States Securities and Exchange Commission form 10-K. Retrieved from
When accessed on the WWW from someone else’s website:
The Coca-Cola Company. (2009). Unites States Securities and Exchange Commission form 10-K. Retrieved from Securities and Exchange Commission website: