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BY 206 - Microbiology

Step 1: Choose Your Neglected Tropical Disease

Step One - Choose a neglected tropical disease from the Carter Center web site and gather additional background information from WHO, NIH, and the CDC:

Step 2: Narrow Your Topic

Step Two - Narrow your topic

This paper is very short so you must narrow your topic from one which is too general such as "Schistosomiasis" or "Malaria."  Instead, refine your topic by choosing a region or a gender or an age that you will focus on.  Remember also that your paper must focus on current progress in PREVENTION.  Examples of good topics are "Prevention of Malaria in African Women and Children" or "Prevention of Schistosomiasis in Nigeria."

Step 3: Locate Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles using Article Databases

Step Three - Find scholarly journal articles

Step 4: Cite your Sources in APA Style


APA is the official citation style created by the American Psychology Association.

You will use APA when writing papers for psychology, some science classes, social science classes, and education.  

APA Resources:

APA 7th Edition Workshop 

APA Citation Guide (7th Edition) at Brenau University

APA Elements of Style (video)

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) 



Writing in college can be difficult, but like all things, it improves with practice. Here are some resources that will help you:

If you prefer to have a book to reference when you are writing:

As a student at Brenau University, you are able (and encouraged) to download a free copy of Office 365 for your schoolwork. 

To download your free copy go here:

Office 365 works better with Canvas and other programs than Google Docs,

Your professors will thank you!