Step One - Choose a topic from the following pseudoscience topics, falsely controversial topics, or a topic of your own:
Pseudoscience topics:
Falsely controversial topics:
Step Two - Narrow your topic
This paper is very short so you must narrow your topic from one which is too general. First, identify the most important of the non-scientific claims made about your topic and then find out what the science literature has to say about these claims. Below, I have linked some sample websites with non-scientific claims about a few of your possible topics:
Step Three: Find peer-reviewed journal articles - At least six sources including at least four peer-reviewed journal articles
Featuring thousands of full-text journals, this collection of scholarly trade and popular articles offers information on a broad range of important areas including: anthropology, biology, chemistry, ethnic & multicultural studies, law, mathematics, music, psychology, women's studies, and many other fields.
Part of the Database Offerings in GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library
This database contains more than 820 leading full-text journals covering relevant aspects of the scientific and technical community. In addition to full text, Science & Technology Collection™ offers indexing and abstracts for more than 1,750 journals. Topics include aeronautics, astrophysics, biology, chemistry, computer technology, geology, aviation, physics, archaeology, marine sciences and materials science.
Part of the Database Offerings in GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library
A leading full-text scientific database covering the life and health sciences.
APA is the official citation style created by the American Psychology Association.
You will use APA when writing papers for psychology, some science classes, social science classes, and education.
APA Citation Guide (7th Edition) at Brenau University
APA Elements of Style (video)
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
If you prefer to have a book to reference when you are writing:
As a student at Brenau University, you are able (and encouraged) to download a free copy of Office 365 for your schoolwork.
To download your free copy go here:
Office 365 works better with Canvas and other programs than Google Docs,
Your professors will thank you!