1. Grab any articles you need that are in your Brenau email or Google drive and store them in Zotero or on another device.
2. Grad any other full text articles you want to take with you.
3. Renew your APTA membership. If you are an APTA member at graduation time and you renew your membership within 6 months after the expiration of your student membership, you'll save 50 percent off the annual dues!
4. Zotero for Mobile Get Zotero for iOS and Android
"...database of over 16,500 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. For each trial, review or guideline, PEDro provides the citation details, the abstract and a link to the full text, where possible. All trials on PEDro are independently assessed for quality. These quality ratings are used to quickly guide users to trials that are more likely to be valid and to contain sufficient information to guide clinical practice."