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Occupational Therapy: OT Databases & Journals

This guide will help you find the resources your professors expect you to use in your OT program. These resources can help from beginning your evidence-based practice to finalizing your thesis!

You will find:

  • Databases and journals for scholarly OT-related articles
  • Websites and videos for clinical resources
  • Guides for specific OT classes and assignments
  • Resources for OT professionals
  • Support for APA citations and Zotero research support
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START HERE: Databases with General OT Content

These databases have a lot of articles on OT and other allied health fields. They are a good place to start your search. 

Medical Databases with Some OT Content

These databases are primarily intended for medical research. If your OT topic overlaps with medical research, try searching these. 

Psychology Databases with Some OT Content

These databases are primarily intended for psychology research. If your OT topic overlaps with psychology research, try searching these. 

Education Databases with Some OT Content

These databases are primarily intended for education research. If your OT topic overlaps with education research, try searching these. 


Most of your grad-level research will come from articles, dissertations, and government reports. These are found in the databases and resources linked above. 

You will sometimes need books for historical context, background, overviews, or theory on a topic. Use the search box below to find print books and ebooks available through the Brenau library.


Database Search Tips

Database Searching
  • Look for Advanced Search option
  • Combine search terms (AND)
  • Use alternative terms (OR)
  • Limit: peer-reviewed, publication date
  • Avoid limiting by full-text availability
  • Get better keywords from subject headings
  • Truncation/wildcard (adolesc*)
Citation Trails
  • Check introduction, lit review, and references of helpful articles
  • Use Google Scholar “cited by” for more recent
We Don’t Have It?

OT Journals

These journals are all scholarly and peer-reviewed except OT Practice, which is a trade publication for practitioners.

Medical Journals

Your OT Librarian

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Kathryn Junco

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