Be selective when choosing a company. You will need to locate information and analysis on both the company and its industry.
Mergent Online offers a wealth of textual detail on company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries officers and directors.
IBISWorld provides meticulously researched business information and market research on thousands of industries worldwide.
Scholarly, trade articles, business and industry reports; nearly 80% in full-text. Contains annual reports from nearly 1,000 leading North American companies, downloadable data sets from the Economic Intelligence Unit, market research reports, dissertations, business cases, and current news.
Part of the Database Offerings in GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library
News, business, and legal sources from LexisNexis—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790
Part of the Database Offerings in GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library
Aside from the ability to search and browse for articles in over 4000 business journals, the Interface allows for easy browsing of supplementary content such as, company profiles, country reports, industry profiles, market research reports, SWOT analyses, and author profiles. It contains popular business publications such as Business Week, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and hundreds of other scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.
Part of the Database Offerings in GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library
Hospitality & Tourism Complete™ contains nearly 950,000 records of scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism. There is full text for more than 530 publications, including periodicals, company & country reports, and books.
Part of the Database Offerings in GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library